Home > Business > Vedanta Aluminium launches Project Kalakriti, empowering women through traditional crafts in Jharsuguda

Vedanta Aluminium launches Project Kalakriti, empowering women through traditional crafts in Jharsuguda

Jharsuguda, May 22, 2024 (TBB Bureau): Vedanta Aluminium, India’s largest producer of aluminium, inaugurated Project Kalakriti, a traditional art and crafts training program aimed at empowering women in Jharsuguda. The initiative focuses on fostering sustainable livelihoods by providing training in various crafts, ultimately enhancing household incomes and preserving local heritage.

Under Project Kalakriti, women from 21 villages in Jharsuguda will receive training in traditional art forms such as Pattachitra, Saura paintings, and palm leaf paintings, along with modern art forms like Mandala art and applique work.

The inaugural event witnessed enthusiastic participation from local adolescent girls who attended their first Mandala art class by professional artist Vineeta Singraul.

Speaking about this initiative for women, Sunil Gupta, COO- Vedanta Aluminium & CEO – Jharsuguda, said, “At Vedanta, we firmly believe that when we are empowering women, we are empowering the entire community. By providing them access to better livelihood opportunities, we are ensuring women become financially independent. Through the Kalakriti initiative, we are instilling artisanal entrepreneurship in them while also nurturing traditional art forms at the grassroots level. We believe that initiatives like these will help us in bringing women from the local communities into the socio-economic mainstream, while preserving our ancient arts.”

Appreciating Vedanta’s developmental efforts in the district, professional Mandala artist and Project Kalakriti trainer, Vineeta Singraul, lauded Vedanta’s efforts in creating a platform for women’s empowerment and heritage promotion. “It’s been incredible to share my expertise with the enterprising women of Jharsuguda. Vedanta’s initiative fosters sustainable livelihoods and promotes the rich heritage of local arts,” she added.

Sanju Ohnam, a trainee under Project Kalakriti, shared her experience, highlighting the opportunity to pursue her passion for art while supporting her family financially. She expressed gratitude for the initiative, which empowers women to strive for financial independence.

Vedanta Aluminium’s commitment to women’s welfare extends through Subhalaxmi Co-operative, benefiting 4,900 members across 70 villages in Jharsuguda. The company’s social interventions in education, healthcare, and livelihoods positively impact nearly 3 lakh people annually, with a focus on women and child development.

As India’s largest aluminium producer, Vedanta Aluminium aims to drive sustainable development and spur emerging applications of aluminium for a greener tomorrow.


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