The employees of the Structural and Fabrication Shop of Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) have displayed their skill and expertise once again by reviving and reinstalling a defective and unused CNC profile cutting machine of Blast Furnace#5 by using in-house resources.

The revived CNC profile cutting machine was inaugurated recently at the Structural and Fabrication Shop by Ravi Ranjan, CGM (Shops, Design and Roll Shop).
The CNC profile cutting machine installed at TLRS section of BF#5 was not in use as few components needed to be replaced to bring the machine back into operation. The employees of Shops-Structural and Fabrication decided to revive and reinstall the equipment with in-house resources. The scope of the developing procedure was frozen under the guidance of Ravi Ranjan, and in consultation with SC Sabat, GM (Shops-S&F).
With reference to the existing CNC profile cutting machine the renovated CNC profile cutting machine was reinstalled suiting to the site working parameters and developed totally with the in-house resources for the first time. The drawings were prepared by the Design Department and foundation work was done by Civil Engineering (Services).
Purchasing a new CNC profile cutting machine would have cost the company about Rs. 50 lakh.